A puzzle book from the world’s #1 sudoku channel!
Cracking the Cryptic’s Greatest Hits is a collection of puzzles from the world’s biggest sudoku community and most popular puzzle channel on YouTube, Cracking the Cryptic.
Cracking the Cryptic’s Greatest Hits contains hand-crafted sudoku puzzles from some of the world’s most talented setters, as well as three puzzle hunts, interconnected series of themed sudokus. The book includes hits and classics featured on Cracking the Cryptic, as well as exclusive, never-before-seen puzzles and puzzle hunts. With gorgeous illustrations and puzzles of all difficulties, it’s suitable for new and experienced solvers alike.

120 Pages
100+ Puzzles
36 Featured Setters
Cracking the Cryptic’s Greatest Hits features puzzles from:
- Aad van de Wetering
- Ahaupt
- Akash Doulani
- Alexander Rappa
- Alice
- Arvid Baars
- Ashish Kumar
- Bastien Vial-Jaime
- Ben Needham
- Cam Dennis
- Christoph Seeliger
- Cracking the Cryptic
- Kurt Hugo Schneider
- Laura Soler
- Jamie Cavallo
- Jonas Gleim
- Madhav Sankaranarayanan
- Madmahogany
- Matus Demiger
- Matyas Martinkas
- Mitchell Lee
- Peter C. Hayward
- Philip Newman
- Phistomefel
- Prasanna Seshadri
- ProwlingTiger
- “Red” Ed Russell
- Ri Sa
- Richard Stolk
- Ricky Cruz
- Rishi Puri
- RockyRoer
- Sam Cappleman-Lynes
- Shye
- Undar Beyond
- Willy Wonka